At that time Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal was elected representative of the Colombian Governors’ Association in the National Peace Council and as such was their representative in the High Commission for Peace in the government of President Pastrana
In a letter dated August 5th 1998, Gardeazabal expressed his thanks to Minister Schmidbauer, MdB for the support of the German government and Herr and Frau Mauss in the Colombian peace process.
See original letter above right
Here is a copy:
Herrn Bernd Schmidtbauer
Member of the German Bundestag
Federal Chancellery
Santiago de Cali, 5th August 1998
Dear Minister Schmidbauer,
I wish to thank you very sincerely for the wonderful hospitality I received from your government during my time in Germany.
And, of course, I cannot forget to mention the contribution made to the peace process made by Ida and Werner Mauss. The couple’s efforts have brought an unexpected as well as underrated impetus to the progress of the peace process in Colombia. Without their contribution, we would not have achieved what we have in the peace process.
So let me say thanks once more to you, your government, and to your good citizens, Herr and Frau Mauss.
I hope, indeed very much wish, that we shall meet again in the future, perhaps in Cali? Why not? You will always be welcome to visit our city.
Yours sincerely
Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal
Gobernador del Valle del Cauca-Cali Colombia